Unsafe Condition is a process related to tools, equipment’s, objects, etc.
Unsafe Act is a process/activity related to an Employee/person.

1. The Reporter creates the UCR.
2. The Supervisor reviews the UCR and Raise it to the concerned department.
3. The Focal Point receives the UCR and check whether it’s a Valid/Invalid/irrelevant UCR.
4. If it is an Invalid (Rejected) UCR, then the Concern Manager should endorse the UCR and Close it.
5. All Rejected UCR’s endorsed by department manager are considered as closed.
6. If some cases, the FP will mark the UCR as invalid and forwarded to the CD manager for endorsement, but there is a possibility, the CD manager can change the UCR as valid and send it Back to the FP for review.
7. Even if a UCR is closed, Safety can reopen the UCR at any time, if opened; it should flow through FP of the concerned department again.
8. If it is an Irrelevant (Returned) UCR, then the FP of CD will return it Back to the supervisor of the Originating Department & Safety Department.
9. For the action “Returned”, the intimation should be given to the Reporter, Supervisor & Safety. Any one among them can change the actual “Concerned Department”where UCR happens.
10. If Reporter changed the CD, then it should again go to the Supervisor, FP & Safety. Also there must be a provision to define where it must go, when Reporter changed the CD.
11. For Returned UCR’s, the accountability goes to the Supervisor, but safety can interfere at any stage.
12. If it is a Valid (Accepted) UCR, then the FP of the CD will trigger the action to be taken by assigning the concerned person with target date.
13. For each UCR there may be action to be taken by the Concern Department’s FP, the action may be
a) Single Action
b) Multiple Action
c) Comments Only
If there are multiple actions, The UCR can be closed only when all the actions relevant to the particular UCR has been completed.
If no action to be taken, then the concern department will close the UCR with their comments only.
14. If the FP assigned is not the correct concerned department then the FP can return Back the UCR to the Safety Department.
15. The Safety department will assign the correct FP to take corrective actions.
16. Once the corrective actions taken, then the UCR will considered as closed and intimate the concern employees.
17. If rejected by the FP, then routed to CD Manager to endorse the UCR.
18. For an UCR, classification of the report under Unsafe Condition / Unsafe Act option should be changed by the supervisor / safety at any point of time.
19. UCR Rating option should be available for the Safety department to give rating to the closed UCR’s. For eg: UCR Rating o 1 o 2 o 3 o 4 o 5 1 - Acceptable and 5 - Excellent