HSE Incident Management Systems
Functionally in-depth leveraging built-in best practices and industry standards covering complete cycle starting from occurance to Resolution.Features include Incident Reporting, Tracking,Classification, Investigation & Analysise, Corrective Preventive Action, Occupational Injury Report, Flexible wrokflow fit for any scenario, Configurable Reporting Sytems, Graphical & Statistical Dashboard etc
Incident Management Systems

- Standards Compliance.Eg. ISO 14001,OHSAS 18001
- EHS Incident Reporting and Notification
- Incident Classifcation (Class A,B, C, D, Nearmiss)
- Investigation and Analysis
- CAPA : Corrective And Preventive Action
- Workflow and Notification based on RASCI Matrix
- OIR: Occupational Injury Report
- Designed to address virtually any type of EHSS incident
- Tracking Process & Non-Process Incident
- Evidence upload, Multiple File Attachment
- Log lost time and Cost analysis
- Recommendation Process
Ideas & Suggestions Management Systems
- Standards Compliance.Eg. ISO 14001,OHSAS 18001
- Priority Based Suggestion
- Capturing current situation Suggestion & Benefits
- Multiple File attachment
- Involvement of RC- Commitee
- Flexible Categories & Sub-Categories
- Workflow and Notifications based on RASCI Matrix
- Establishing Power of Ideas
UCR & Risk Evaluation
- Standards Compliance.Eg. ISO 14001,OHSAS 18001
- Unsafe Condition / Unsafe Act Reporting
- EHSS Risk Evaluation
- CAPA : Corrective And Preventive Action
- Workflow and Notifications based on RASCI Matrix
- Severity, Priority, Probabilty, and Score calculation
- Enabling indeapth Analysis: Unlimited Basic Cause,Sub-Cause, Hazard Type
- Equipment,Equipment Location,Functional Location,
- Technical, Environment, People, Organization
- Action Status Tracking: ‘Open’, ‘In-Progress’,’Close’
- Evidence upload,Multiple Files,photo Attachment
Reporting Tool and Analysis System
- Configurable Reporting System
- Graphical Analysis & Tabuler Report
- Customizable Grouping, Sorting, Filtering
- User Specific Dashboard and Statistics
- Report Destination: E-Mail, Printer, Screen, File
Technical Features
- Authentication:Windows AD,Single Sign-On
- Workflow: Flexible Workflow, Multiple Approval Path
- Workflow: Can return the report to previous stage
- Workflow: Email Notification at every stage
- SAP Integration,Workflow Based on SAP-HR-OM
- Authorization :Role Based Authorization and multiple role per user
- Delegation of Authority
- User Sepcific Dashboard
- Reminders & Escalation Procedure
- Equipment List Upload & Employee data Upload
- Configurable Email Template
- Help Library